Mēs uzņemamies atbildību. Par jūsu ādu. Un mūsu planētu.
Uzzini vairāk par mūsu ilgtspējas programmu

Mēs uzņemamies atbildību. Par jūsu ādu. Un mūsu planētu.
Uzzini vairāk par mūsu ilgtspējas programmu
Mēs rūpīgi izvēlamies visas mūsu sastāvdaļas un nekad neupurējam kvalitāti. Uzziniet vairāk par šī produkta galvenajām sastāvdaļām.
Amfotēras virsmaktīvas vielas ir tādas vieglas virsmaktīvas vielas, kas maigi attīra ādu. “Amfotērs” – ķīmisks termins, kas apzīmē molekulu, kura ir gan pozitīva, gan negatīva. Virsmaktīvas vielas – tādas virsmaktīvas vielas, kas samazina ūdens virsmas spriegumu un atbrīvo ādu no netīrumiem un dekoratīvās kosmētikas. Tās ir īpaši piemērotas jutīgai ādai.
Will the Cleansing Gel remove my make-up completely?
It is a good idea to remove eye make-up, especially the water-resistant type, with a dedicated make-up remover (e.g. Eucerin DermatoClean Eye make-up remover) before thoroughly cleansing skin with the Cleansing Gel.
Can I use the cleansing gel with an electric cleansing brush?
Yes, of course, but be very careful cleaning your skin in this way if you are undergoing medical acne therapy.
Is acne caused by having dirty skin?
This is a common myth but it’s not true. It is, however, important to choose products that have been specially formulated for blemish- and acne-prone skin – mild but effective cleansing gels are much more suitable than harsh soap-based alternatives.
My skin feels tight after cleansing. Is that normal?
Tightness can be a sign of dry skin. If your skin feels tight be sure to thoroughly moisturise after cleansing. Consider using one of the moisturisers in the Eucerin DERMOPURE range.
I’ve used Eucerin DermoPurifyer Cleansing Gel in the past. What is the difference between that and Eucerin DERMOPURE Cleansing Gel?
Nothing. It’s just a new name and new packaging. The formula is proven to be highly effective and needed no changes.
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